BioBlitz 2019 hosted four special guests at the Friday evening campfire circle – four alumni from the book, ‘Forest Alphabet: Artistic Visions of a Forest in Trust to the Children’. In 2010, Alma, Kai, Kiera & Liam were amongst 33 children to contribute artwork and writing to the book that was published in 2014. These four young adults are now pursuing post-secondary school studies in universities across Canada. Their reflections were an inspiration to the current youth who listened to their stories of how the Children’s Forest has been a significant influence in shaping values, world view and career choices. There were a few teary eyes amongst the adults present.
Nineteen youth were honoured as Children’s Forest Ambassadors at the graduation ceremony around the BioBlitz campfire. These youth have been active participants and leaders for many years in our monthly nature study days, theatre programs and annual bioblitz. Many of the youth are moving on to attend school off-island or to embark on adventures elsewhere.
The Children’s Forest Board extends their deep appreciation and thanks to this tribe of Children’s Forest Ambassadors for their passionate dedication to the Children’s Forest, and tasked them to carry their zeal for the Children’s Forest out to the broader world. The tribe: Tosh & Asha, Ilo & Makawi, Laara, Katie, Josh, Mira, Lily, Lilly, Angus, Kaysha, Sofia, Maria, Teyo & Govind, Seamus, Nola and Bella.
“V is for voice, our very valuable voice in speaking for the forest: vital, vigilant and victorious!!”
Meanwhile, the 3rd wave of children, the new short-legged tribe, were occupied in playing tag and building forest fairy homes. The significance of these three generations of forest youth around the campfire was potent, and the torch was passed along to the new tribe of Forest Children.

Liam presenting a braided cedar bracelet to a graduating ambassador.